Oda Hiroko Solo exhibition at Amorpha Youth Foundation, Varna, Bulgaria (22/11/2024-7/12/2024) – These pictures brighted – her paintings of the world, the faces who meet her and the various local foods. | 織田博子(オダヒロコ)ポートフォリオ oda Hiroko portfolios

Oda Hiroko Solo exhibition at Amorpha Youth Foundation, Varna, Bulgaria (22/11/2024-7/12/2024) – These pictures brighted – her paintings of the world, the faces who meet her and the various local foods.

ーThese pictures brighted – her paintings of the world, the faces who meet her and the various local foods.

Maria Badjakova

Purpose of the exhibition

This exhibition was planned by Maria Badjakova of the Amorpha Youth Foundation in Varna, Bulgaria, as the opening event for the second Amorpha Academy course on East Asian culture.

In her nearly ten books, Japanese manga artist and illustrator Hiroko Oda recreates her solo travels through visual stories. The world, the faces of the people she meets, and the delights of the diverse local cuisine are a sight to behold.

The 80 illustrations of “Uncles of the World” are presented by Maria in five sections:

Part 1: Illustrations of men celebrating the opening of the exhibition and illustrations of Japanese men and women showing that the works are from Japan

Part 2: Uncles from around the world with diverse cultures – Congo, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Germany and Russia.

Part 3: Cooking with aunties around the world – The relationship between women and cooking

Part 4: Cooking with uncles around the world – The relationship between men and cooking

第5部 世界の一人のおじちゃん、複数のおじちゃんー単独であることと集団であることとの比較、人間の関係性


Although the faces of the participants were hidden to protect their privacy, the bright smiles of the participants were impressive.

Opening ceremony held on November 22nd at 6:30pm
In addition to Hiroko Oda’s books, Japanese manga from a personal collection were on display.

Report on the opening event

(translated and excerpted from Bulgarian) An exhibition of Japanese manga artist and illustrator Hiroko Oda was held alongside Saki Nemoto, a Japanese language culture teacher at the Varna Free University.

We spoke to our guest on Friday night in November about the importance of manga in Japan, about an adventurous several-week train journey through Siberia, recreated with the stories and faces of Hiroko Oda’s illustrations.

We read the manga book, read recipes from the author’s travels, translated from Japanese with Nemoto’s help – a recipe for strawberry salad with spinach and chestnuts from around the world (a recipe from Chiara from Italy).

We discussed whether the Japanese are closed off to the world, or whether this is just another stereotype that this exhibition categorically refutes.




Since I cannot speak Bulgarian, I prepared a manuscript in English, but some people asked me questions in Japanese. I had the unexpected experience of speaking in both Japanese and English.

As there is little information about Japan in Bulgaria, it seems to play a role in connecting people studying Japanese culture with local Japanese people.

The exhibition is also held outside the gallery, drawing in passers-by and expanding the scope of the exhibition.

Participant opinions

“I feel nostalgic when I see the illustrations of the Kazakh and Mongolian men. Half of the roots of Bulgarians are in Central Asia.”

“My family is of Italian descent, so I like the Italian illustrations. It reminds me of my family.”

I was glad to see that people felt a sense of familiarity with the people in the illustrations.。

Find a favorite picture
The author has never visited Bulgaria, but it was heartwarming to see children enjoying reading my work.

Exhibition details


Младежка фондация „Аморфа“ и „Аморфа Академия за млади посланици на културата“, издание Европа-Азия: Книги, Културна дипломация, Кино на Източна и Югоизточна Азия, представят:

Самостоятелна изложба „Мъжете на средна възраст по света“ на Хироко ОДА – японска илюстраторка и художничка на манга

„Аморфа“ – пространство за култура и обучение
Варна, България | ул. „Драган Цанков“ №10

22 ноември, петък, 18:30 – 20:30 ч. | Откриване
23 ноември, събота, 13:00 – 14:00 ч. | Разговор с артиста от дистанция | вход свободен
Продължителност: 22 ноември – 6 декември
Всеки ден без неделя от 14 до 18 ч.

Рю Чишу яде ориз със супа от зелен чай (Япония)
Ryu Chishu eats rice with green tea soup (Japan)

Събитието е откриваща инициатива на втората част от „Аморфа Академия за млади посланици на културата“, издание Европа-Азия: Книги, Културна дипломация, Кино на Източна и Югоизточна Азия.

Академията е посветена на срещата с културите от региона и създаването на културно съдържание от младите участници. Осъществява се със съдействието на Национален фонд „Култура“.


Хироко ОДА 織田 博子, с творческото име Хиро ヒロ, е японска художничка на манга и илюстраторка. Участва като гост-лектор заедно с други артисти в лекция, представяща основните и отличителните черти на японския комикс, манга, в първата част на „Аморфа Академия за млади посланици на културата“, издание Европа-Азия, през пролетта на 2024 г.
Творческото портфолио на ОДА-сан разкрива необичайно силен интерес към културите на света. В работата ѝ като визуален артист, както и в любопитните ѝ културни инициативи сближаваща роля имат хората и техните кулинарните традиции

Художничката вече е посетила сама 25 страни, където среща различни хора и техните семейства, учи се от тях и готви заедно с тях. При завръщанията си обратно в родната Япония организира кулинарни работилници и демонстрации с любимите рецепти от различни краища на света, които е научила от чуждестранните си приятели.

Във своята манга и илюстрации, които създава, Хиро често пресъздава същите тези пътешествия, чуждоземни лица и разнообразни кулинарни наслаждения.

Сред основните ѝ книги с илюстрации са:
“Мъжете на средна възраст по света”
“Домашните рецепти по света”

Манга / комикс:
“Пътешествие с Транссибирския влак”
“Пътешествие по Пътя на коприната”
( 「女一匹シルクロードの旅」)
“Пътешествие с Транссибирския влак през зимата”
( 「女 一 匹 冬 の シ ベ リ ア 鉄 道 の 旅」)
Има 7 книги, публикувани в Япония и Корея.

Amorpha Youth Foundation and Amorpha Academy for Young Ambassadors of Culture, edition Europe-Asia: East and Southeast Asia, present:

Solo Exhibition “The Worldʼs Middle-Aged Men”
By ODA Hiroko, Japanese illustrator and manga artist

Bulgaria, City of Varna
Amorpha Cultural Space | 10 Dragan Tsankov Str

22 November, 18:30 h UTC+2 | Exhibition Opening
23 November, 13:00 h UTC+2 | Artist Video Talk

Cover image:
Ryu Chishu eats rice with green tea soup (Japan)

The exhibition is an opening event of Amorpha Academy for Young Ambassadors of Culture, edition Europe-Asia: Books, Cultural Diplomacy and Film of East and Southeast Asia, part II.

The Academy is dedicated to discovering the cultures of East and Southeast Asia and creating cultural content on topics presented in the lectures of the academy. The cultural training is open to young people 16-29 years. The Academy is supported by the Bulgarian Culture Fund at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
ODA Hiroko is a Japanese illustrator and manga artist. Her upcoming solo exhibition in Varna is her second participation in a Bulgarian cultural event. In the spring of 2024, she was a guest lecturer at Amorpha Academy for Young Ambassadors of Culture where alongside her fellow-artists she introduced participants to the art of the Japanese comics, or manga, its distinctive features, leading artists and trends.

Ms Oda’s artistic portfolio reveals her strong interest in the cultures of the world. In her work as well as in her intercultural activities she holds a special place for bridging the distance between people through their cuisines.

The artist has already 25 countries by herself, meeting local family, learning from them and cooking together with them. Back home in Japan, Oda-san introduces locals to the cuisines and cultures she has come to know through cooking workshops and demonstrations.

The visual stories of her trips around the world come to life in her manga and illustrations.

“The Worldʼ s Middle-aged men” ,
“The Worldʼ s homemade cookings”

“A journey by the trans-Siberian train”
“A journey following the silk road”
“A journey by the trans-Siberian in winter”
7 books are published at Japan, Korea.

織田 博子

好奇心旺盛で「とりあえずやってみる」行動派イラストレーター。3 人の子育て中。食べることと旅行をすることが好きで、世界 25 カ国をめぐりその土地の家庭料理を食べてきました。様々な国の文 化や料理に魅了され、その魅力を伝えるマンガやイラストを多数発 表しています。
得意なジャンルは料理、人、旅。実際に食べ、出会い、歩いてきた経験をもとに、筆ペ ン一本で描き出すイラストは「旅情を感じる」「どこか懐かしい」と評されます。
イラスト作品「世界のおじちゃん」シリーズを展開し、展示やグッズ展開などで好評を 博しています。豊島区を楽しむフリーペーパー「MIOSK」、東京のこまごめ地域の魅力 を集めたコミュニティペーパー「こまごめ通信」も制作しています。
著書:「女一匹シベリア鉄道の旅」「女一匹シルクロードの旅」「女一匹冬のシベリア鉄道 の旅」「北欧!自由気ままに子連れ旅」「世界家庭料理の旅」「世界家庭料理の旅おかわり」(イースト・プレス)「こまごめ通信本①~⑤」(フタバ書店他、こまごめの各店舗にて 販売)日本・韓国で発売中。電子書籍「女一匹冬のシベリア鉄道 特別余録」「世界を旅 する母ちゃん、駒込で子育て」